DANSK/Kobenstyle 木柄片手鍋 1QT(紅)

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Kobenstyle 琺瑯鍋是由Dansk 在1956 年所開始生產,設計師為來自丹麥的 Jens Quistgaard,
名稱來自於丹麥的首都哥本哈根(Copenhagen),在60 年代風靡一時,在許多人的童年回憶中,代表著媽媽的味道。 
1965 年,設計師將平底鍋造型更改為柚木把手,並將生產線從丹麥移至法國。
在20 多年停產的期間,許多的消費者不斷希望Dansk 能夠重新生產這個經典的鍋具,甚至到處在蒐集二手的Kobenstyle 琺瑯鍋,
而Dansk 也決定在2012 年,重新克服生產製程上的困難,以更優良的標準,重新復刻生產,保持傳統造型,讓此經典美麗的設計,再度回到我們的生活之中。
Kobenstyle 琺瑯鍋最明顯的特色,在於十字型的鍋蓋,可以當成隔熱墊使用,並在收納時方便堆疊。此外,三個凸點的把手,也讓Kobenstyle 具有極高的辨識度。
DANSK / Kobenstyle 木柄片手鍋 1QT(紅)
材質: 琺瑯、原木
規格: Ø(鍋緣直徑)13 x D21.6 x H12cm   (每批商品實際尺寸略有誤差,請依實品為準)
容量: 1L
請勿空燒。 琺瑯為玻璃材質釉藥,空燒恐造成細微裂痕、破損。








因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準。 退換貨說明請注意!下列商品購買後博客來不提供10天的猶豫期,請務必詳閱商品說明並再次確認確有購買該項商品之需求及意願時始下單購買,有任何疑問並請先聯繫博客來客服詢問: 1.易於腐敗、保存期限較短或解約時即將逾期。 2.客製化之商品。 3.報紙、期刊或雜誌。 4.經消費者拆封之影音商品或電腦軟體。 5.下載版軟體、資訊及電子書。 6.涉及個人衛生,並經消費者拆封之商品,如:內衣褲、刮鬍刀…等。 7.藝文展覽票券、藝文表演票券。非屬上列品項之商品均享有到貨十天的猶豫期(含例假日)。退回之商品必須於猶豫期內寄回。   辦理退換貨時,商品必須是全新狀態與完整包裝(請注意保持商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性,切勿缺漏任何配件或損毀原廠外盒)。退回商品無法回復原狀者,恐將影響退貨權益或需負擔部分費用。 訂購本商品前請務必詳閱商品退換貨原則。


博客來提供10天的猶豫期(含例假日,以您至7-ELEVEN取貨或宅配送達商品當天起算)。Books.com.tw provides a 10-day cooling-off period (including holidays, starting from the day you pick up the goods or the day when the home delivery arrives). 若要辦理退換貨,請務必在收到商品10日內,至會員專區線上申請退換貨,並將商品連同勾選完成的出貨明細表一併包裝妥善,憑退貨便代碼在48小時內,至7-ELEVEN ibon列印單據後,於櫃檯完成寄件。於收到商品後,會立即為您辦理。If you want to apply for a return or exchange, you must go to the member area to apply for a return or exchange online within 10 days after receiving the product. After packing the goods together with the "Checked Shipping Details", the receipt shall be printed from the 7-ELEVEN IBON and the shipment shall be completed at the counter within 48 hours with the use of the return code. After receiving the goods, we will handle it for you immediately. 轉廠商出貨商品:目前僅提供線上申請退貨,您可參考如何退貨說明,若因商品瑕疵等因素欲辦理換貨,請洽詢客服人員。Product shipped by vendor: Currently, only online applications for returns are available. You may refer to the instructions on how to return. If you want to exchange products due to product defects and other factors, please contact the customer service . ※您可參考線上申請退貨/換貨說明,若您無法於線上申請退換貨,或退貨包裹材積超出門市規定(詳7-ELEVEN包裝規範),請洽詢客服人員。You may refer to the instructions for the application of product return/exchange online. If you cannot apply for a product return or exchange online, or the volume of the returned parcel exceeds the store regulations (refer to 7-ELEVEN packaging specifications for more details), please contact the customer service. ※退換貨申請依線上申請資訊為主。The return application is based on the online application information ※自行郵局寄回者,出貨明細表請勾選:處理方式、退/換貨原因及簽名,三聯電子發票若您於訂購時不同意由博客來代為處理發票及銷貨退回證明單者,辦理銷退者請蓋公司發票章,若未勾選處理方式,將視同以退貨方式處理。If you send back by your own postage, please check the shipping details including processing method, reason and signature for product return/exchange, and a 3-part electronic invoice. If you do not want Books.com.tw to process invoices and sales return certificates on your behalf when you order, those who handle sales returns should affix the company invoice stamp. If the handling method is not checked, it will be treated as a return. ※海外訂單目前僅能線上申請瑕疵退貨,若個人因素辦理退貨,自行寄回郵資將不退還,若因商品瑕疵欲辦理換貨,請先洽詢客服人員。(請勿自行將商品寄回,若自行寄回請自行負擔寄回運費)For overseas orders, currently only defective returns can be applied online. If you apply for a product return out of your personal reasons, please send it back by yourself and the postage will not be refunded. If you want to make an exchange due to a defective product, please contact the customer service staff first (Please do not send the goods back by yourself, if you send it back by yourself, please bear the shipping cost by yourself). 提醒您:1.您所退回的商品必須保持商品本體、附件、內外包裝、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有隨附文件或資料的完整性,切勿缺漏任何配件或損毀原廠外盒,退回商品無法回復原狀者,恐將影響退貨權益或需負擔部分費用。(請注意!猶豫期非試用期)。因商品封條為一次性包裝,商品退貨時必須回復原狀,亦即必須回復至您收到商品時的原始狀態,且會視回收的商品狀態另外酌收額外的整新費用,請您務必確認有購買需求後再行拆封。2.請您以送貨使用之原包裝紙箱將退貨商品包裝妥當,若原紙箱已遺失,請另使用其他紙箱包覆於商品原廠包裝之外,切勿直接於原廠包裝上黏貼紙張或書寫文字。3.若欲退貨的商品,是參加任選活動而組套出售的促銷商品(如任選x本xxx元的活動),不可單品退貨,需將套組商品一起退回。4.如遇退換商品有使用E-Coupon,將一併依原使用期限退還。5.會員訂購後若大量退換貨,由於已造成作業上之困擾,博客來可能會視情況對該會員採取拒絕交易或永久取消其會員資格辦理。6.部分3C、家電館商品,因退換貨需經廠商檢測,故處理時間可能較長(可能需達2週以上)。7.由於雜誌退訂,博客來需與雜誌社確認,故請在十天猶豫期內致電客服中心,客服人員會與會員確認退訂之原因後,再向雜誌社連絡退訂事宜,並將辦理方式回覆會員。8.票券一經印製出來後即無法還原,故售出之票券如有退換票問題,請與客服人員連絡。另根據娛樂票卷依法向演出所在地之稅捐稽徵處申請報繳娛樂稅,故票券不須開立統一發票,博客來僅開立「處理費」的發票。相關流程請參考售票網購票說明。9.目前博客來辦理換貨僅能針對同一項商品更換,無法將商品A換為商品B。若您欲換成其他品項或尺寸,請先辦理原商品退款,再重新訂購您所需要的商品。We are here to remind you that:1. The product you return must maintain the integrity of the product itself, accessories, inner and outer packaging, accessories, gifts, guarantee, original packaging, and all accompanying documents or information. Do not miss any parts or damage the original packaging. If the returned product cannot be restored to its original state, it may affect the rights to return or bear part of the cost (Please note that the cooling-off period is not a probation period). When the merchandise seal is a one-time packaging, the merchandise must be restored to its original condition when returning it. That is to say, it must be restored to the original state when you received the goods, and additional refurbishment fees will be charged based on the state of the returned goods. Please be sure to confirm the purchase requirements before opening the package.2. Please pack the returned goods in the original carton used for delivery. If the original carton has been lost, please use another carton to enclose the goods wrapped in the original factory packaging. Do not directly paste paper or writing on the original factory packaging.3. If the products you want to return are the ones you chose in combination with other promotional products (such as a discount price xxx for every x purchase you made), single product return is not allowed as the entire amount must be returned altogether.4. If E-Coupon is used in the returned/exchanged goods, it will be returned according to the original expiration date.5. If a member returns or exchanges a large number of goods after ordering, due to the trouble in the operation, Book Your Life may refuse the transaction or permanently cancel the membership according to the situation.6. Since the returns and exchanges of some 3C and home appliance products are subject to the manufacturer's inspection, the processing time may be longer (it may take more than 2 weeks).7. Since the unsubscribing of the magazine requires Book Your Life to confirm with the magazine publisher, please call the customer service center within ten days of the cooling period. After confirming the reason for unsubscribing with the member, the customer service staff will contact the magazine publisher about unsubscribing and reply to the member with the handling method.8. Once the ticket is printed, it may not be reversed. Therefore, if you have any questions about the refund or exchange of the ticket sold, please contact the customer service staff. For entertainment tickets, you must apply to the Revenue Service Office for the amusement tax where the performance is located in accordance with the law. For related procedures, please refer to the ticketing instructions on the ticketing website.9. At present, Book Your Life can only exchange items for the same item, and cannot exchange item A for item B. If you want to change to another item or size, please apply for a refund of the original product first, and then re-order the product you need. 請留意,猶豫期非試用期,若您收到商品經檢視後有任何不合意之處,請勿拆開使用,並立即依照退貨規定辦理退貨。 Please note that the cooling-off period is not a probation period. If there is any disagreement after inspection of the product you received, please do not open it and use it but immediately return the product according to the return policy.

取消 / 轉讓 / 換貨規則

請於收到商品10天猶豫期內(含例假日),至會員專區線上申請換貨,並將完整商品、贈品、附件連同勾選完成的出貨明細表一併包裝妥善,憑退貨便代碼在48小時內,至7-ELEVEN ibon列印單據後,於櫃檯完成寄件。Please go to the  My account to apply for a product exchange online within 10 days of the cooling-off period (including holidays) after receiving the product. Pack the complete products, gifts, and accessories together with the completed shipping schedule that has already been checked. With the return code, print the receipt via 7-ELEVEN ibon at the counter within 48 hours. 轉廠商出貨商品:目前僅提供線上申請退貨,您可參考如何退貨說明,若因商品瑕疵等因素欲辦理換貨,請洽詢客服人員。Product shipped by vendor: Currently, only online returns are available so that you may refer to the instructions on how to return. If you want to exchange products due to defects, please contact customer service. ※若您無法於線上申請換貨、售票網訂單,或退貨包裹材積超出門市規定(詳7-ELEVEN包裝規範),請洽詢客服人員。※If you are unable to apply online for exchanges, ticketing online orders, or the volume of the returned parcel exceeds the store regulations (detailed 7-ELEVEN packaging specifications), please contact customer service. ※退換貨申請依線上申請資訊為主。※Return and exchange applications are based on online application. ※自行郵局寄回者,出貨明細表請勾選:處理方式_瑕疵換貨、原因及簽名,三聯電子發票若您於訂購時不同意由博客來代為處理發票及銷貨退回證明單者,辦理銷退者請蓋公司發票章,若未勾選處理方式,將視同以退貨方式處理。※If you send back by your own post, please check the shipping details list: processing method_exchange defective products, reason, signature, and 3-part e-invoice. If you do not agree that Book Your Life will process invoices and sales return certificates on your behalf at the time of ordering, please affix the company's invoice stamp to those handling sales returns. If the processing method is not checked, it will be treated as a return. ※ 換貨不可換色、換size,只能更換相同商品,若您所訂購並非您需要的商品,請您改辦理退貨(請參考如何退貨)。而新品若未指定寄送地址,超商取貨者將寄送至會員地址,宅配出貨者將寄至訂單地址。※ Change of color and size is not allowed for replacement, only the same product can be replaced. If the product you ordered is not what you need, please return it (by referring to how to return). If the new product does not specify the delivery address, it will be delivered to the member's address instead of a cash on delivery at a convenience store and the order address instead of home delivery. ※國內訂單(收/取件地為臺灣),商品若已攜至國外欲辦理退換貨,自行寄回郵資將不退還,若辦理換貨,新品僅能寄送至臺灣(無法寄送海外)。建議您務必確認商品無瑕後再帶離臺灣。※If the domestic order (receipt/pickup place in Taiwan) goods have been brought abroad and a return or exchange is required, the postage of self-return will not be refunded. For product exchange, new products can only be sent to Taiwan (cannot be sent overseas). It is advised that you confirm that the product is flawless before taking it out of Taiwan. ※海外訂單目前僅能線上申請瑕疵退貨,若個人因素辦理退貨,自行寄回郵資將不退還,若因商品瑕疵欲辦理換貨,請先洽詢客服人員。(請勿自行將商品寄回,若自行寄回請自行負擔寄回運費)※For overseas orders, only a return of the defective product can be applied online. If the goods are returned for personal reasons, the postage for self-returning will not be refunded. If you want a product exchange due to a defect, please contact the customer service  first (Please do not send the goods back by yourself. If you send it back by yourself, please bear the shipping cost).

